List of products by Artist David Gerstein

David (Dudu) Gerstein is an Israeli artist whose wide variety of works express movement, color, sound, and emotions all while capturing unique moments in time. Gerstein aspires to create art that is accessible and speaks to a large audience. Just like how a brightly colored flower attracts an insect the artist chooses brightly colored paints to attract and uplift people. Despite push-back, he continues to curate his own works through his benevolent point-of-view. He even started a collection of miniature sculptures stamped with his design logo to allow a wider range of people to access fine art. Thereby breaking boundaries by surpassing the frontiers of accessibility in art.

Throughout the 1980s Gerstein's works began to shift. He took a dramatic shift, not just in the color palette, but moving into 3-dimensional work as well. It started with cut-outs in cardboard and wood and then aluminum and steel. These shapes began to take on the forms of people, animals, flowers, and objects. Over time they developed into complex scenes with each cut-out painted and then overlapping in space. One of his first shown works from this new style was a series of cats which received an enthusiastic response from curators, agents, and audiences globally. By the 1990s, Gerstein was creating the bold and radiant works that he is now recognized for worldwide. This was also a time of major transformation in his artistic process. Laser-cut technology became widely available in the ‘90s as more high-powered lasers were on the market, and this allowed Gerstein to create sculptures in larger series. With the shift to laser cutting Gerstein was able to focus his work on creation, pioneering contemporary art techniques, obsessively drawing and painting, and putting all of his energies into the creative process. Today Gerstein continues communicating through art and contributing to culture through his growing collections of wall-sculpture series, miniatures, public projects, and more.

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